Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies
Status: Couple
Employed or Retired: Employed
Where are you living now / where are you from: Kelowna, BC, Canada
Timeframe for a move: Oct 4th, 2016
Where else are you considering: Looking at living in vallarta but also considering some of the smaller towns up the coast.
Why Vallarta: Based on previous travel to many other countries, Puerto vallarta seems to have everything we are looking for plus the easy accessibility to return to Canada. The size of the city is very similar to our home town, which is appealing from a living prospective. We love beaches, surfing, dancing, nature, fresh food, hot weather… I think we will find it there.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: We arelooking for a place to rent for the first month that we arrive, so that I can get the lay of the land and search for something to rent that is longer term. We also need to know about health care options. I will not be continuing my health care in Canada. We are fairly young and are only looking for health coverage for major things like hospitalization or major surgeries, just in case. Any recommendations about where to start would be appreciated.