Bob and Bobbie Audell

 In Member Profiles, Oregon, US, Where We are From

Status: Couple

Employed or Retired: Retired

Where are you living now / where are you from: We live in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Timeframe for a move: Are are not moving to PV, but rather, we spend our Winter there. We arrive Dec2and stay until April 1st.

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: We’d like to meet other folks who enjoy the area as much as we do!

Recent Posts
  • DennisCHP

    We have friends here from Bend, Oregon who are very much like you. They just arrived and will stay until April. You can meet them at the Stages Act ll theater on Sunday church service at 10:30 am. The PAaradise Community Center is now closed and the Paradise church has moved to this location upstairs at the corner of Basillo Badillo and Hwy 200 above the Wings Restaurant. Free coffee and lots of transplanted gringo’s from about every state in the union and Canada also. My e-mail if you would like additional information is