David & Melissa Wright
Status: Couple
Employed or Retired: Retired
Where are you living now / where are you from: Corpus Christi, Texas.
Timeframe for a move: We plan on moving to PV in August 2014.
Where else are you considering: We have researched Ecuador, Costa Rica and Panama.
Why Vallarta: We decided on PV because this is a place we have visited and loved it. Another factor for our decision is the easy access back and forth to the U.S.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Like most folks, we want to get the inside info from other expats. We will be moving in about a year and will be living on our pensions. We are looking to have more bang for our buck and experiencing a new culture in this next stage in life. We would like to learn the best areas to live in. We are looking more to the Romantic Zone or Old Town, maybe Mismaloya. We will be visiting in February to see what would be available for a long term rental. Our long term plans are to experience and enjoy PV. We look forward to meeting other expats in PV.