Denise & Jerry Tomlinson
Status: Couple
Employed or Retired: Employed
Where are you living now / where are you from: Lubbock, TX. Husband is originally from here and I have in a few other states besides Texas and in England.
Timeframe for a move: 2 years, hopefully sooner.
Where else are you considering: Unsure.
Why Vallarta: We have a friend who has lived in the area and is now back in the States.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Info on prices of housing, places to live (does not have to be fancy but a safe area). Does not necessarily have to be in PV either. My husband is a musician (blues & jazz guitar) and I am a novice at stained glass and quilting, and pretty darn good at cooking so if there are any groups for those interests, that would be helpful.