Don & Heather Aubin
Status: Couple
Employed or Retired: Semi-retired
Where are you living now / where are you from: Edmonton, alberta, canada
Timeframe for a move: 1 year
Where else are you considering: Phoenix
Why Vallarta: Hear good things, weather, lifestyle, cost of living
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: what parts of Vallarta and area up to Bucerias are best places to look for future 3 to 5 month stay? Where do most Expats live and why? Is Old Town by far most popular cause everything is a short walk or bus ride away (to wal mart or costco for example), or do most people find old town too touristy and busy and prefer Nuevo or Bucerias??? We want to look at all areas and wonder where we should be looking for sure top 5???