Donna Powers

 In California, Downtown Centro, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, US, Where We are From, Where We Live

Donna PowersStatus: Single

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where did you live previously: Divided time between LA. (home since I was 21) Palm Springs and Hood River Oregon

What part of town do you live in: Downtown Centro

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta: I’ve worked most my life as a screenwriter and TV Producer/Writer in Los Angeles, since USC Film School. (I also love the stock market!) Most of you out there know that when you are intensely focused on a physical or artistic task (run a marathon, paint a painting, practicing a dance routine) something in the left brain recedes it’s matter of fact hold on hour subconscious and through the right brain we make all kinds of connections, revelations, inspirations, sparks are flying with creative and/or mental effort that seems suspended in time and space. I think that’s how they’re marketing weed in Colorado too but… anyway. I have not the slightest idea how I landed in Vallarta. I remember deep depression. I remember waking up to the flight attendance’s announcement we were landing in PVR. I had the clothes on my back. And my computer cause I am a computer geek. But i moved here May27th, had rented an apartment and set up fueled by faith in some connection, some logical flow that my brain made when my head when I was obviously too stressed out left brain let it’s guard down in its “approach” to dealing with the life altering event. What ever hand guides us, for once mine wasn’t on the dole and actually did right by me. I LOVE it here. Have no intention of budging. Would love to meet, interact and be absorbed by this incredible community I’m slowly finding such joy in at every turn.

What other places did you consider: I think at one point I considered Viet Nam and that truly is a lovely place on earth. But Malaria pills every day? I speak a good deal of Spanish. Asian languages are really tough for me. And I find the Southern Californians and the Mexicans to have similar cultures and attitudes. It’s a easy, fun transition into a new adventure (Not a deer caught in headlights half way across the world when my son needs to make bail JK))

What were the main reason(s) you moved here: I love the US, but I don’t belong in the USA. I’m not connecting and thriving there anymore. I can have a lot more fun on less dinero here. And I just can’t sit in So Cal when there’s a whole world out there and I have the freedom to do what I do to bring home the bacon anywhere at all.

What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now: I never give advice. I’m too eccentric.

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  • Frank Norton


    You have a lot of power in the words you write; also much working experience and travel. Why don’t you talk to the editor Madeline about writing a column in the Vallarta Tribune. I would love to read more of what you would write.

  • Trenie

    You sound delightful and a fun person to meet. I also arrived from (Salem, Oregon) the USA last December with two overstuffed suitcases and said to myself, “You have always wanted to move here, so why don’t you”! Bingo! I did! I also am in love with everything about PV, the people, the culture, and of course the weather. Having tons of family for the next month but would enjoy meeting you when all the fam damily is back in the states. I’m leaving to Ore. in July for two weeks (with a empty suitcase to fill prior to my return LOL) and if your son happens to live in Hood River (visiting Beaverton the first few days), I would be happy fo transport anything your would like to send to your son, via Trenie’s suitcase. After all it will be empty on it’s first flight.
    I now live in N. Vallarta but on Oct. 1st am moving to Mismaloya over looking the ocean, in a fixer-upper, which I love doing.
    Looking forward to hearing from you and maybe a fun afternoon with lunch, Trenie

  • Rana Kangas-Kent

    I like your style! I’m moving there in January 2017….. maybe we’ll meet!