Kay Uhl & Don Kneeland
Status: Couple
Employed or Retired: Semi-retired
Where are you living now / where are you from: We live in Olympia Washington, USA
Timeframe for a move: Uncertain, most likely to be a slow process of increased time every winter
Where else are you considering: Nowhere else right now.
Why Vallarta: I like the direct flight from Seattle to PV so we can be in easy contact with family. PV has a lot of our bases covered with location on coast, lots of expat services and integration into local community that we appreciate.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: The information I am interested in is the medical and dental experiences and resources that people have.
We have lived her almost 12 years. My wife and I have had surgical operations to eyes, carpel tunnel and a tumor. We are,very impressed with the professional medical & dental services. The people are wonderful and we have too many Expat activities to even mention. My e-mail if you have specific questions.