Learning How to Retire in Vallarta

 In Articles, Stories

By Nancy Van Landingham

Notes from an artist living full time in Puerto Vallarta.

One of the hardest parts about retiring and moving to paradise — for me — was “retiring.”  I have worked since the age of 13. I worked while a senior in high school. I worked when I was in college. As far as I was concerned, during my career, I had the best job, in the best firm, with the best boss, making the best salary possible.  I was never one of those people who complained about my work, but rather, was the one who stepped away during a dinner party to feed my passion — work!  So, here I am, in paradise, and something is missing! A very big void.

I still, to this day, on fewer and fewer occasions, dream about going back to California and getting a job.  Because I have found another me in paradise, my desire to flee for the sake of work is no longer consuming me.

What is consuming me — my passion — is painting.  Did I do this before moving to Vallarta? – no!  Do I think sometimes that everyone living here has become an artist? — yes!  Look around.  Are we not surrounded by beauty and endless artistic inspiration? – yes!  And, here is the good part…  If you are like me, and this is something that was not part of your previous life, you will find many art classes to attend.  You will meet so many people and those people will have something in common with you.  And, you will have fun!

Just some thoughts from a local artist.

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  • Linda Shepherd


    When I retired, I went on a cruise 4 months later. I took a vacation – from my vacation (retirement)! Very odd. Having something to do, to achieve, seems to be what keeps me going.

    I am an artist as well, in fact, I’m still studying with some folks at Scottsdale Artists School. I can’t wait to paint Puerto Vallarta. I was just wondering if you are represented by a gallery. I would like to try to do that, but I’m sure everyone with any artistic skill at all has the same aspirations.

    I’ll be coming to PV after Easter to check it out.
