Marilyn & Jerry Johnson
Employed or Retired: Retired
Where are you living now / where are you from: We are from California but have lived in Panama fir approx 17 years
Timeframe for a move: When our house sells
Where else are you considering: Other coastal towns of Mexico
Why Vallarta: We have visited there often and like it, plus there are other expats there, and it seems that there is good medical care
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: We just want to get an idea of the general cost of living and the cost for international health ins. We do not have Medicare and do not want to have to go to the US for any major health problems. Med care in Panama is great, but the cost of living is not low anymore and getting higher
Sorry to not reply about PV, but was wondering about Panama. We are torn between it and Mexico. We are looking at the Pedasi area. Where were you living? It seems like so many expats live in the Boquette (sp) area and it does seem rather expensive. If you have been there for 17 years you mustexplored many areas. Panama City looks beautiful, cosmopolitan, and expensive! LOL We are just looking for something small and local. No big American style house for us, we are ready for less. We love PV, but we explored the Caribbean side of Mexico and have fallen in love with the ocean! Decisions, decisions! We are planning to explore Muhahual this year. Good luck with the move!