Patricia Hazelwood & Guy Hames

 In Living in Vallarta, Marina, Member Profiles, Texas, US, Washington

Pat Hazelwood

Single, couple, family?  It’s complicated

Where did you live previously? Galveston TX; Bellingham WA

When did you move to Vallarta?  1999

What part of town do you live? Marina

Why did you decide to move?   I knew in 1967 when I first came here that this is where I wanted to retire.  I put that in my goal book and here I am.

Where else did you consider?   Costa Rica and Thailand

What were your considerations? Weather, easy flights, lots of  expats, lots of friends , easy walking community,  modern conveniences like Walmart and Cosco

What was the main reason(s) you moved here?  I always wanted to move here.  She (PV) won my heart from the first hello.

Top 3 things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now

  • Realize that you are a GUEST here and act polite and realize that there are cultural differences and respect their culture / and noise.   This is their country first.
  • Don’t ever expect anyone or construction to be on time or even show up.
  • Manana does not mean tomorrow or morning, it just means “NOT TODAY.”


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  • IVA

    Patricia Hazelwood & Guy Hames interesting post. I tought this piece of news would be of interest: Allocated seating will be rolled out across easyJet’s network from November, with all passengers allocated a seat. Those wishing to change their seat will be charged £12 for front row and over-wing seats, £8 for berths in the four rows behind the front row, and £3 for anywhere else on the plane.