Rob & James Stonehewer

 In Canada, Downtown Centro, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, Ontario, Where We are From

Rob & James Stonehewer

Status: Single

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where did you live previously? Originally born in the UK but moved to Canada in 1986. Now live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and in Vallarta as often as possible!

When did you move to Vallarta? We bought our condo 2010.
What part of town do you live in? Downtown Centro

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta? Easy direct flight options, the climate, culture, history, friendly happy people and cost of living.

What other places did you consider? Greece, France and Costa Rica

What were the main reason(s) you moved here? To escape the Canadian winters! I also was looking for a place where I could still operate my business with access to hi-speed wi-fi and on a similar time zone but enjoy the sunshine and different culture.

What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now?

  • Ask for help from people who have already moved to the area. Don’t procrastinate. Live your dream.


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