Shawnee Rodriguez

 In Member Profiles, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US, Washington

Status: Single

Employed or Retired:  Employed

Where are you living now / where are you from:  Living in Moses Lake, WA.

Timeframe for a move:  0-6 months

Where else are you considering:  None

Why Vallarta:  Love the culture and the people. Also the pace of life!

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you:  Answer any questions I have about moving to PV. I’m currently looking for a job and a place to stay.

Recent Posts
  • DennisCHP

    Hi Shawnee. PV is an excellent choice. We were originally from the SF Bay Area. We have lived her 12 years pretty much full time. I am a retired California State Trooper and my wife a retired executive secretary. We love it here and would never move back. We have tons of activities for gringo’s here and your right the people are wonderfull. I am willing to answer what ever questions you may have through my e-mail: