Val Bachmayer
Employed or Retired: Employed
Where are you living now / where are you from: Operate a Vacation Rental in Ashland Oregon. Shakespeare Festival. Lived in Seattle Washington for 30 years.
Timeframe for a move: I am looking to be in PV 4-5 months out of the year by next winter.
Where else are you considering: Cabo and Kona.
Why Vallarta: PV seems more my style.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Information about the areas, the Centro area seems nice. Also, thinking about maybe living aboard a boat. It seems nice to have a group that one can connect with.
Val, you won’t have any problem finding a group. We have about 40,000 fulltime gringos here. Therevtons of gringo groups. We have lived here 13 years full-time. If you have specific questions I can be reached at or