Vicki Hamilton

 In Member Profiles, Texas, US, Where We are From

Status: Single
Employed or Retired:  Retired
Where are you living now / where are you from:  Arlington, Tx
Timeframe for a move:  June 2017
Where else are you considering:  Costa Rica, Panama, Lake Chapala
Why Vallarta:  Weather, cost, health care costs, closers to home, close community
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you:  I would love to discuss the real estate market, health care and safety.  Also activities that go on and what people are involved in.

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  • dennischp

    Hi Vickie. You have chosen the right spot. My wife Faye and I have lived here fulltime for 13 years. We were originally from the S.F East Bay. I am a retired California Highway Patrolman and can honestly say it is much safer here than most cities in the states or Canada. We are very involved in the community here and you probably will eventually have more friends here than where you live now. There are tons on Expat activities and most of the locals speak some English. If you need a great Spanish teacher or other things we can help with recommendations. Just e-mail me with your questions at or our ministry e-mail ||We teach English at orphanages, churches and other outreaches within the community to keep busy in our retirement. Or call my MagicJack number in the states and it comes right to my computer 707-225-6451 or here in Mexico 011-52-322-113-0205 home / 011-52-322-182-0129 cell