Barbara & Milt Matthews

 In Florida, Living in Vallarta, Rio Cuale, US

Status: Couple

Employed or Retired:  Retired

Where did you live previously:  Palm Beach FL

What part of town do you live in:  5 de Deciembre

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta:  Quality of life

What other places did you consider:  Costa Rica

What were the main reason(s) you moved here:  Weather, size of city

What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now:

  • The streets are horrible. Just get over it and be careful.
  • “You aren’t in Kansas any more.”  Adapt and enjoy!
  • I already knew this but the Mexican people are warm and kind. Be like the Mexican people.
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  • DennisCHP

    Love your three comments. It only took 14 years for us to get a brand new concrete street in Colonia Buenas Aires.