Bo & Dora DuBose

 In Member Profiles, Texas, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US, Where We are From

Bo & Dora DuBoseStatus: Couple

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where are you living now / where are you from: We are currently In Cuenca. We have been traveling extensively, trying to find the ‘right’ place…been feeling like gypsies for nearly 10 years now! I’m from San Antonio, Texas, and after my wife came to the US, and did not like SA, we moved to Corpus Christi, where we lasted for 1 yr, then off to St. Petersburg area in Florida. My wife couldn’t get comfortable here either, so we decided I would try living in Lima, where we spent the next 5 years. From there, we moved to St. George, Utah, where we had some great times, but I needed to get back to the ocean again, so we headed back to Lima for the next year, but also to take care of her ailing parents, who both passed away this past year. From there, we decided Panama was the place, so we went to Boquete, where it only took one week to come to the conclusion it was too cold/wet/windy for us. We didn’t like Panama City, mostly because it was just plain too dirty and hot, so we moved on to Coronado, where we leased a wonderful condo, right on the ocean. However, after 3 months there, the lack of infrastructure, we became disillusioned again. After considerable research, it was decided we would head off to Cuenca, Ecuador, where we have been for the last 3 months. Whoever said it is eternal spring here must have been from the colder areas of the US or Canada, because ‘spring like’ to me is warmer than this!

We never had considered Mexico, because my wife said many times, she did NOT want to live in Mexico. She began pushing for Italy, but I did not want to cross the Atlantic, so I began secretly looking over options in Mexico. I had been to Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Guadajara and a few other Mexican locals in the past and knew none of them would do the ‘trick’. I read an article on PV and starting researching it vs other Pacific locals and always came back to PV, soooo, I collected some pics and info and sent them to my wife’s email…and waited for her response. Low and behold, after she did her own investigation and talked to a few Spanish speaking friends about it, she completely changed her mind! We are now making our plans to come – ASAP!

Timeframe for a move:  Sometime between the next 30-90 days (it is now mid-March, 2014).

Where else are you considering: Matzalan, but from what we see, PV is better for us.

Why Vallarta: Mountains, next to ocean, size of town, options to walk, see and meet people, enjoy the views, swim in the ocean, enjoy the sunsets, fishing, boating, snorkeling, diving and golf…can go on and on.

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: You already have…what a cool & informative website!

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