Local ExPat Bud Ellison took these pictures on Sunday after Hurricane Blanca passed by off shore: http://eagleviewimages.blogspot.com/2015/06/storm-surge-from-hurricane-blanca-june.html
Puerto Vallarta, one of Mexico’s leading tourism destinations, continues to attract international investors to its shores as tourism arrival continues its steady increase. With six properties [...]
Puerto Vallarta is said to be a very safe area with an unusually low crime rate. The area makes most of its living through tourism, so there is a definite interest in keeping tourists (and [...]
Another great article about Puerto Vallarta’s favorite ExPats: http://www.vallartadaily.com/tricia-and-mike-lyman-of-lymans-journey-lists-some-favorite-things/
Another article about how desirable Puerto Vallarta is: http://www.vallartatoday.com/vallarta-business-news/london-santiago-puerto-vallarta-paris-top-trending-destinations-of-2015