Day Trip- South to Boca de Tomatlan

 In Articles, Things To Do / Places to Visit

By Sara Alexander

Boca is one of my favorite places to relax on the usually uncrowded beach, listen to the sounds of the waves and let my dogs run and play in the river. I haven’t been there in over a month and things sure have changed. The road south is a disaster…pot holes everywhere. I wouldn’t recommend traveling it at night or during a very heavy rainstorm. The potholes are so deep you could do damage to your car. When I arrived in Boca, the river had gotten so high that the sandbar was submerged. I didn’t bring my camera this time, but here is a photo from before the heavy rains. It’s a beautiful spot.  During the weekdays it is a very quiet, laid back beach, but it can be busy on the weekends. Until today I had never been bothered by insects there. Today there was some sort of monster jejenes out. It started with a typical jejene bite…a red dot with a raised spot around it. I didn’t scratch but within a half an hour they swelled up to over the size of a 10 peso coin. After an hour, I couldn’t take any more bites and left. Boca is one of my favorite spots and I will definately go back often, just after the rains. I don’t like being eaten by bugs.


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