Juliana Espinoza

 In California, Member Profiles, US

Juliana EspinozaStatus: Single

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where are you living now / where are you from: From Caliornia currently in Arkansas. Moving to PV come June 2014!!! Yaay!

Timeframe for a move: Moving within the next 4 months! June 10th actually

Where else are you considering: No where else! I lived in Jocopepc Jaliso for a couple of years back in 2002-2004 and love it but puerto Vallarta seems to be the place for me and my family!

Why Vallarta: The better question is why not!? I’m young (29) and have the unique situation where I’m financially stable and am able to work from anywhere. PV has my mexican culture with the great weather and American amenities! PV provides the culture and expierence I want my children to have. We are citizens of the world

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: As a new transplant to PV I’m looking to meet some great people enjoy good company and of course learn all the “ropes” of PV!

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  • David Morse

    Hi….May I ask if you live in PV? I really want to make the move and would love to know what challenges you’ve encountered. I guess my biggest concern is employment. It doesn’t sound like that is an issue for you as you can work remotely. What area of PV do you live? Im in my mid 40’s so not quite as youthful as you but still sometimes feel like I might be in an extremely small population as most seem to be older and retired. Is that accurate?