Kat Allen

 In California, Member Profiles, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US

Kat AllenStatus: Single

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where are you living now / where are you from: San Diego, CA

Timeframe for a move: 1 year

Where else are you considering: Is there anywhere else?

Why Vallarta: It’s gorgeous, tropical, the people are amazing, lots of expats and still close to my friends in California. Also, I’m tired of the business of the city life, traffic, lines. Looking for a more peaceful and fun way of life!

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Just keep on keepin on! This site is great, thank you!

Recent Posts
  • David Morse

    Are you still considering a move to PV? If so, can I ask what you are considering for employment? I too want to make the move but have many questions with work being the most important.