Marie Sye

 In Hotel Zone, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, US, Washington, Where We Live

Marie SyeStatus: Single

Employed or Retired: Semi-retired

Where did you live previously: Seattle WA last residence.

What part of town do you live in: Ramblases – Up the hill across from the Sheraton

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta: Climate, friendly and helpful locals and cost of living

What other places did you consider: France and England

What were the main reason(s) you moved here: Good expat community, proximity to my family in the states and being able to maintain my standard of American living as close as possible. Less stress.

What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now:

  • Be flexible and realize this is still a developing country.
  • Crime isn’t as bad as what you read about in the states here.
  • Good expat community is here to assist you.
Recent Posts
  • Trenie

    Hi Marie,
    My name is Trenie Penrod and a recent member of ExPats. I am also from the Northwest (Oregon) and I chose PV Mexico to retire due to the fact that my family lives on the West coast. I was wondering if you are going to the “happy hour” on the 29th of April from 5 to 7 pm.?
    I moved here the end of 2013 and have known about this club for the past 2 weeks. Are you possibly interested in having “lunch” or meeting at Saturday market (or ?) prior to the meeting? I’m sure that I can put on my big girl panties (lol) and go to the happy hour by myself. After all a good part of life is the unknown adventure that is right around every corner waiting for us to trip over. Knowing one other person would offer me a bit of confidence, but then I’m sure a nice cold margarita just may serve the same purpose. HA
    If we wind up missing each other prior to the 29th, I hope to see you there, Trenie