Rene Brown

 In Fluvial, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, US, Virginia, Where We Live

Rene BrownStatus: Single

Employed or Retired:  Retired

Where did you live previously:  Arlington, VA, 5 minutes from Washington, DC (USA)

What part of town do you live in:  Fluvial

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta:  Needed to Leave the cold and stress behind…more adventures

What other places did you consider:  S. Florida & Caribbean Islands

What were the main reason(s) you moved here:  Warm weather, new friends, fresh produce, close to beach and mountain environment to continue to
meditate and share/teach its healing potentials.
What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now:

  • Research, plan and schedule appointments days/weeks ahead before you need it…not Mexico’s
  • Inspect everything
  • Document and make copies
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