Sandra Reyes
Employed or Retired: Retired
Where are you living now / where are you from: Presently living in New Jersey. I’m from Staten Island, NY originally
Timeframe for a move: January/February 2017
Where else are you considering: Nowhere else
Why Vallarta: I am of Spanish decent, not very fluent. I can get along and be understood when speaking Spanish. My dream has been to move to a Spanish speaking country to become fluid in the language.
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: I have lived in Europe and Southeast Asia. I’m comfortable in living in different countries. There is always a learning curve, meaning . . .learning about my the country I am living in . . .meeting people from the states ….to help me I can spread my wings and move forward.
Please note- The photo of me is how I look when I’m kicking back. I present differently when I’m ready to step out!