Karen Wolsey

 In Member Profiles, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta

karen-wolseyStatus: Single with Son Jayden – 11 years
Employed or Retired:  Employed
Where are you living now / where are you from:  I’m living in Michoacan but want to move to the beach and we are coming in October to check PV out. Hopefully will move in early January.
Timeframe for a move:  Early January 2017
Where else are you considering:  no where! Love Zihuatanejo but need somewhere more accessible and cheaper to fly to/from the US.
Why Vallarta:  Heard great things about it! Colonial life but with 21st century conveniences. Plus 125 miles of beaches!!!!
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you:  Let me know cost of living. Would like to rent a furnished 1 or 2 bedroom. Need excellent internet. Please let me know if there are frequent power or internet outages. I work from home so living in a small town where I do does not have good enough infrastructure.  Also if you know the name of a realtor/property manager who is bilingual that will help so we can look at rentals during our trip in October!

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