Lyle Halprin & Silvia Gomez Cruz

 In Bucerias & North Bay, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, New Mexico, Oregon, US, Where We are From, Where We Live

Status: Family
Employed or Retired:  Employed
Where did you live previously:  For the past three years I lived in Mexico City. Before that I lived in the beautiful town of Ashland, Oregon. I was born in New York City.
What part of town do you live in:  Bucerias & North Bay
Why did you decide to move to Vallarta:  I had vacationed here many times with my children. I liked it very much. 2 years ago I was going to leave Mexico because I could not stand the madness of Mexico City.  It’s a great place to visit but……..
Than one day I met a woman named Silvia Gomez Cruz and lots of things changed! She is a native of Mexico City but she too was ready to leave and now we are here.
What other places did you consider:  Manzanillo
What were the main reason(s) you moved here:  QUALITY OF LIFE
What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now:

  • If you are coming from a big and intense city be prepared for an area with a more laid back lifestyle, really friendly people and beautiful views everywhere you look.
  • Have patience it’s Mexico. Learn about how things work here. Become friends with Mexican nationals, they can help you so much to learn how to navigate life here and learn some Spanish.
  • No matter how difficult it may be to learn the ways of Mexico, trust me if you think it may be hard to get something done here, go to Mexico City and experience the ultimate test of your patience.
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