Marilyn and Steve Moore

 In Member Profiles, Minnesota, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US, Where We are From
Marilyn and Steve Moore

Marilyn and Steve Moore

Status: Couple

Employed or Retired: Retired

Where are you living now / where are you from: We live in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Timeframe for a move: We will be in PV renting a condo from Feb. 12-March 12, 2014. Hope to continue this with increased time spent there every year.

Where else are you considering: ?

Why Vallarta: I began going to PV in 1979 as a newly divorced woman. I fell in love with it and went back for the next 5 years. I remarried and stopped going to PV for a few years and traveled to other parts of Mexico and around the world with my husband. I then suggested we return and he fell in love with it.

I love the beauty, the people, the weather, and the food. It has never stopped being Paradise to me.

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Looking forward to connecting and asking questions when we arrive there in February. Will check out the calendar to find out when you are getting together

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