Ron & Gabriele Watters

 In Canada, Member Profiles, Ontario, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, Where We are From
Ron & Gabriele Watters

Ron & Gabriele Watters

Status: Couple

Employed or Retired: Retired

Where are you living now / where are you from: We are currently living in Belleville, Ontario but originally from Toronto.

Timeframe for a move: If my husband had his way we would be moving soon but I still have reservations….it is a big step. This year we will be down the longest ever at 4 1/2 months. Our daughter has a house just outside of Vallarta where we will stay for a month but then at the beginning of January we will move back into Centro where all the action is.

Where else are you considering: There’s no place like home in PV.

Why Vallarta: We have been coming to Vallarta since the mid nineties and always feel like we are coming home once we set foot on PV soil. We feel very safe and the locals are so friendly. There is so much to do, so many restaurants to enjoy and always an adventure just around the corner. We are never bored in PV.

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: We would love to hear the experiences from other couples making that big move.

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